Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Just a quick holiday update and greetings.

We are doing well, and surprisingly, our health is good too! I believe our immune system has strengthened over the past year.

My (Paul) birthday was last week, and I am now 66. Bridget and I try to stay active with at least a walk each day, and of course, our time spent with young adults keeps us feeling younger on the “senior scale.”

Apart from our relationship with the Lord, one of our greatest appreciation is for our partners, you, who make it possible for us to serve young adults who desire to assist those who take the gospel out to road-less regions of the world. We also enjoy serving with a great team of flight instructors and staff who have served on a foreign field. Bridget’s decades of teaching continue to complement her growing expertise in the technical aspects of assessment and educational therapy. I have one more year in my master's counseling program, and what I’ve learned up to this point has already been beneficial.

Wishing you the best for Christmas and a great start for the new year.

Paul & Bridget

Monday, November 4, 2024

"Count Your Blessings"

We are teaching our granddaughter the song “Count Your
Blessings” and giving thanks to God for all the good things He
gives us each day. Typically, she prays, “God, thanks for our
healthy bodies, healthy food, and a healthy place to live.
Amen.” All the important things to a 4-year-old are things we
can all thank God for.

We are thankful to you, our friends and family, who support us
with words of encouragement, prayer, and financial gifts. We
appreciate you being part of our team and partnering with us in
the opportunities God has given us to invest in the lives of
those we touch.

In October, Bridget gave a class to the first-year students about
executive function. These are skills that we begin to develop as
teenagers when the brain is developing higher functions.
Executive function is like an air traffic controller that directs the
information and impulses in our brain to productive outcomes.
Moody’s program is rigorous, and serving as aviation
missionaries requires grit. Growing executive function skills
allows the students to manage school, life, and ministry with
effectiveness and resilience.

Bridget gave them an assessment to give them an idea of their
strengths and weaknesses. She then followed this up with an
interview to go over the results and get to know the students.
She describes this class as humble and appreciative. Students
are now "buddying up" to study together and cut down on
distractions, they are tutoring each other in challenging
subjects, and one student, an only child, has been encouraged
by the kindness and attention of his fellow house mates.

 Since spring we have been getting together with two couples from
Moody. I gave them a personality assessment (DISC) to help them know
themselves better. The first couple are newlyweds--the wife works and
the husband is an aviation student. They are going on a month-long
mission trip this winter to see what it is like on the field. They hope it will
give them direction about the mission organization they will join after
graduation. The second couple are seasoned missionaries home on an
extended furlough and now working at Moody. They came home to
transition family to life in the USA. Their children have since finished
school, started careers, and two are married. Their mission recently
asked them to consider returning to the field--but a new country. So,
part of our conversations has been what that will look like, especially
since the wife will not have the daily responsibility of caring for a family.
With both couples the husband has a clear idea of his role on the field,
but the women are going into the unknown. Helping them process
these challenges and equipping them to move forward is a privilege of
our ministry at Moody Aviation.

I (Paul) am continuing to study online at Columbia International University
(CIU) to earn my master’s degree in care and counseling. During my
summer course I was paired up with another graduate student (and former
missionary) to practice some of the counseling techniques that I will be
using. Currently I am taking a cross-cultural counseling class that will be
useful as so many people, staff, and students at Moody are from foreign
countries, grew up overseas, or have been living overseas for many years.
In addition, I am taking some Biblical counseling classes our church offers.
This fall Bridget and I are in “Navigating Conflict and Resolution,” and it
has been a good addition to my CIU classes. 

Regards, Paul & Bridget

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Moving crew enjoy lunch around our big table.

We moved from our apartment to a house and now live with our daughter and granddaughter. Some of the students from Moody Aviation and our church growth group moved us out of two apartments and set up the new house in a day! We look forward to having people over to share a meal around our big table.

Student Life team - Courtney, Paul & Beth

Paul with our granddaughter watch take-off.

Soon after our move there was an all staff and student BBQ. Courtney & Beth Zehr serve with us on the Student Life Team at Moody Aviation. We enjoyed talking with students over hamburgers and Paul showed our granddaughter the aircraft used for training students to do maintenance and flight training.

Moody Housing Advisors

Team building!

The retreat for the Housing Advisors and Assistants included a round table discussion on “Moody’s Code of Conduct” – rules related to community expectations, spiritual enrichment, chapel attendance, housing, student programs, stewardship of our bodies, entertainment and technology, physical appearance and attire, discipline, harassment, and emergencies. The purpose of the standards is to help students develop a love for the Lord, love for others, and be given opportunities to serve for the advancement of the kingdom of God. We also had fun doing team building activities, like getting everyone over the rope without touching it.

We welcomed to Moody Aviation our newest freshman and their parents at an informal dinner and games night. The Zehr’s hosted the event, and we talked so much we neglected to take pictures. The students are from Northern Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Ohio, Minnesota, New Jersey, Texas, Kazakhstan, Venezuela, and Brazil to name a few.

Proclaim Aviation has a new look!

Proclaim Aviation
updated their website with a new look and more information about the ministry.


Paul & Bridget Abbott

Saturday, April 13, 2024

For the Joy...

“...for the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb. 12:2b)

Joy? What Joy? On the Cross? What a horrible way to die! I (Paul) used to struggle with the idea of finding joy in Jesus’s death on the cross.  However, now as a parent and grandparent, I have a glimpse of what this truly means. Jesus’s motivation and purpose have a much larger perspective than we can comprehend.

Says Dane Ortland in Gentle and Lowly (2020), “The joy of seeing His people forgiven.” Now, “...[our] life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Col. 3:3, NIV). Thank you, Jesus! 



We appreciate your participation with us in working with the motivated students at Moody Aviation. I (Paul) will be graduating from Columbia International in one year, and I am looking forward to being more involved with the students and staff.

In April, Moody Aviation is set to host a workshop on personal finances. Our daughter, Joy will present the workshop. After the workshop, I will accompany Joy back to Dallas, Oregon, to share with young adults what Moody Aviation is all about. 

Blessings, Paul & Bridget