Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Opportunities to Make an Impact

Alekcey, Judith and their son.
Looking for solutions for domestic violence in the Cabécar Reservation.  We heard there was an eight day old baby that died in the Cabécar reservation last week. The Puentes de Vida health promoters suspect this is a case of child abuse, but it takes time to get to the bottom of things like this because the Cabécar culture is very individualistic and people do not look out for their neighbors. The health promoters will continue to ask people what happened and hopefully in time the truth will come out.  As more incidents of domestic violence have been reported Dr. Alekcey Murillo, Director of ICDI, and his wife Dr. Judith Dunteman, Directors of Puretes de Vida, have begun talking with government and Cabécar leaders about possible solutions.  Alcohol abuse is very widespread in the reservation and that is the cause of much of the abuse.  People really need to know Jesus and let him transform them and their families. Please pray for all involved in finding a solution.

Joel, Rebekah, and their son.
Another bridge has been completed.   About a year ago the footings were poured for another bridge in the reservation that would connect a couple of communities and make it safer to travel during rainy season when the river runs high and fast.  During Holy Week Joel Stoll, one of our fellow ICDI missionaries, and his Dr. Rebekah Jones and their son hiked into the reservation. They brought building supplies and tools, while the community provided the wood.  A near by soccer field was used to stage the bridge including the cables from the old bridge. After everything was laid out the construction of the foot bridge began by stringing the cables across the river.  The final phase was constructing the wooden walkway of the bridge.  It will be a blessing to the community to have a safe means to cross the river as the rainy season begins.

We are selling and buying a vehicle.  We sold our Montero Sport because the frame of the car had a lot of rust.  Pablo, our mechanic in San Jose, patched the frame and repaired a few other things to prepare it to sell. Because it was Holy Week and many businesses were closed, Paul had to take two trips to San Jose in order to meet with the buyer, the lawyer, and have the money deposited in the bank, but he finally got it done.  Now he is looking for a new vehicle to buy. Something that could take the rough roads out here better and he could use it to haul stuff for the farm and building projects at the mission center. 

Bridget and Paul
Looking for opportunities to share the Gospel. Like I (Bridget) said things close down for Holy Week and that includes schools, so I was not teaching English classes.  One day I listened to a sermon on Matthew 9 where Jesus healed five people and treated them with tenderness and compassion.  It reminds me that God deals with us as individuals for His purposes and glory.  That chapter ends with Jesus describing the crowd as weary and helpless and comparing them to a field ready to harvest.  It sounds just like people today. All around us are people that need to hear God’s truth and the Good News about Jesus. It is amazing Jesus lives in us and humbling that He uses us to share what He has given us with others. 

Happy Easter!
Bridget and Paul

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