Wednesday, May 14, 2014


God's not on vacation either...
Timothy with Cabécar New Testaments.
While many Costa Ricans vacationed during Holy Week, the latest version of the Cabécar New Testament was dedicated out on the reservation. The Jones family began the translation in 1953 with a copy published in the 1990’s. Then the Costa Rican government adjusted the Spanish alphabet to accommodate the Cabécar language. As a result the published translation needed to be revised using the new alphabet.  Timothy Jones, with a background in linguistics, worked on the revision and it was completed and published this year. The dedication included 500 indigenous people from multiple tribes and 100 internationals who gathered in the community of Ñari, on the banks of the Chirripó River.  Some Cabécars walked four days from the remotest parts of the reservation in order to attend.
God's Word in his language.
The first evening began with teaching and videos about how God is moving in the world. The next day new believers were baptized and everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship. At the culmination, the Cabécar Christians gathered together to celebrate the gift of God’s written word in their very own language.

And HE saved a child...
Cabécar children
At the beginning of April we received the following email from Dr. Judith Dunteman about two of the Cabécar health promoters, Magdalena and Rebeca, working on the reservation: (see "and I also learned Spanish" about health promoters)
“This past week, while Magdalena was calling to arrange for transportation to take a woman who was in labor in the reservation out to the hospital, Rebeca assisted with the delivery (for some reason the woman couldn't wait to have the baby). Rebeca had never assisted in a delivery before, but we had reviewed this in a recent training. The baby was born with two loops of cord around his neck and wasn't breathing. She suctioned the baby with her mouth, and then immediately began CPR. After two minutes, the baby began breathing, and then he was fine. Praise the Lord for a life saved!”
Paul and Bridget hiking.
He's busy with the Abbotts...
God is working in our lives and stretching our faith in the area of finances.  We came to Costa Rica armed with a savings account and a short list of financial partners.  We hoped our support would eventually increase to our goal of $3,000 a month. Our savings are now close to being depleted as a result of language school, gaining our residency visas, flight training, travel, and unexpected medical bills. To date we have received monthly funding that averages about a third of our budget goal. With that we are not starving and are able to live in a small apartment and travel by bus.  Two recent events have prompted us to ask the Lord for additional funds. The first is my (Paul's) hospital visit has made us realize it would be wise to purchase health insurance. The second event was the offer to use a vehicle donated to our mission, but this would also require additional funds.  Let me try to explain.

A little over a month ago I was admitted to a hospital for seizures believed to be caused by dehydration. I went to sleep in my own bed but woke up in a room with 30 other people. I wasn't aware of it at the time, but initially my bed was in the hallway near the emergency room.   During my stay I was well cared for by an energetic group of doctors and nurses, some of whom were in training.  The original follow-up appointment scheduled by the public health system was February of 2015 (in social healthcare you get in line).  Instead of waiting, I paid out of pocket for my appointments on May 2 and 7 with two top neurologists from two private hospitals here.  So far, there is no definitive reason for the seizures.  Because of these medical expenses we are looking into purchasing medical insurance.  In case you are wondering, the doctors are grounding me for a year, but our director assures me there are plenty of other things to keep me busy. 

Next, having the use of  the vehicle (that has been donated to our mission) would give us more flexibility. Riding the bus takes much more time and limits when we travel to and from the airport or ministry center in Paso Marcos (in the interior). Our responsibility would be the registration, insurance, fuel ($5.50/gallon diesel) and maintenance. This would be much better financially for us than purchasing our own vehicle.  Dependable 4 x 4 vehicles are very expensive in Costa Rica. 

Please pray with us about these financial needs. If you want to talk more with us personally, call us at our US phone 541-292-5228 (Vonage). For those who would like to partner with us financially contact Helimission USA at PO Box 538, Lima, NY 14485; they can also be reached at 585-624-5509.

Easter was a good reminder that what we do is not so much about some momentous future event but actually what is obvious now – Jesus. “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip?” (John 14:9)

HE is risen indeed!  Paul and Bridget Abbott

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