Tuesday, October 27, 2020

God is still in control!

We are into this Pandemic for almost 9 months but wanted to share this experience with you in case you’re feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by current events.

At the time of the first Gulf War (Desert Shield/Desert Storm) I was assigned to an Aviation Brigade of the infamous 101st Airborne Division. Once we finally got settled in our assigned location in Saudi Arabia I began to feel that my life had just been hijacked because I had almost completed my service to the military! I was due to be discharged in four months (December 1990). Upon discharge we, as a family, were going to join Wycliffe Bible Translators for a career in missions. Bridget and I had been building a relationship with Wycliffe for months as we looked forward to serving an unreached people group that was waiting to hear the Gospel in their own language. We were ready. That was the plan. Famous last words.

During my time in the Gulf region I felt a bit disjointed and needed to sort out things pertaining to my perspective of God’s plan for me and how it was going to work in relation to these historical events. My conclusion? My perspective was way off! What I heard myself thinking was, “The plan God had for me has been derailed and I am being sucked out of His agenda!”

Now, I can hear you thinking how crazy that sounds. Yes! It was crazy! Not so hard to do while I was living in events beyond my control and they seemed to be “large and in charge” because they were constantly in my face. I remember being ashamed and humbly asking the Father for help. He graciously demonstrated to me during my remaining time in the Gulf that He was still in control, that the war was not something He couldn’t handle and He was (and is) very much interested in me and others all the time! And everywhere!

Yes, He has a time-line and an agenda but those things are not our main concern. Think for a minute what the bible says about His agenda (from a Space Shuttle perspective). From Genesis to Revelation we see God desires a sincere relationship with us (mankind) and has provided everything to make that a reality. He has done all the heavy lifting, we just need to wholly embrace His provision. Starting with Jesus Christ.

Big events, whether war or pandemic, inherently bring opportunities to reach out to others effected. Many and various needs and opportunities pop up. People respond as you provide care and encouragement. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you, trust the bible is true and move forward with faith in our Father in Heaven. He’s still in control!

Grace and peace,

Bridget and Paul

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