Monday, April 19, 2021

Special Events

We had two special events at our church in March and April. Since February the children had been studying the account of creation in chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis. The last Sunday in March the younger kids said a poem with hand motions and the older kids gave a presentation that included a song with choreography for the congregation. It was amazing to see all they had learned! The Sunday school teachers decided to do similar reviews and presentations throughout the year. Then on Easter Sunday, we had a special service for the whole family at the Emmanuel Center. There was singing, a scavenger hunt, and we read Matthew 26-28 about Jesus’s last meal with his followers, his betrayal, trial, and death on the cross, then his resurrection, and his command to make disciples in throughout all of the world. You might be asking how a scavenger hunt fits in with an Easter service? Here’s how it worked. The three chapters were divided into 27 short passages that were read by different people. Then whoever found an object related to that passage brought the item to the pastor. The service ended with communion and an explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For me (Bridget) personally, studying for my Sunday school lessons these last couple of months have helped me keep focused on God and His agenda. In creation God shows His glory and power. He sets up the world and makes the plants, the solar system, the animals, and people to continue to function and reproduce generation after generation. He made man in His image and gave him the responsibility to care for creation. Then in preparation for Easter I have read through Matthew 26-28 a number of times. I was struck by how Jesus’ closest friends abandoned him and turned against him, the physical suffering he went through, and yet he submitted to God’s will. But the story doesn’t end there, it continues with his resurrection and the mandate to make disciples. In both Genesis and Matthew God does the miraculous to bring about his plan, but he also uses people to keep that plan going. One generation to the next physically and spiritually life is passed along.

Around Holy Week many people are on vacation and go to the beach or mountains in Costa Rica. Paul and I have been hosting guests at the Emmanuel Center the past two weeks. Over a cup of coffee or a meal we listen to their stories – the death of a child, their love for music, about their profession, God leading them to take a step of faith, healing of a marriage, questions about what to do after graduation. For a short time our paths cross and it is a privilege to direct folks to God and His Word to find encouragement and direction.

Pray for us as Paul is in the US this month to visit family and his doctor for a routine physical and I keep things going at the Emmanuel Center and host a mission team.

Grace and peace,

Paul and Bridget

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